Welcome to Fourth Hill
3.5 hours 2.5 km trail loop
Just off Gold Memorial Road you will find a small carpark with a creek (Anderson’s Creek) in front of you.
Use the rocks to cross the 2m wide creek and walk-up Wildcat Gully Track. Approximately 100 meters up this main track, there is a small boardwalk on your left that will take you up to Fourth Hill and past the gold mines and history.
Follow the narrow paths past the mines and up to the top of the hill. It can be steep in parts and then gets easier towards the top.
Follow Betton Track back down, then turn right into Wildcat Gully Track to see Geraghty’s Tunnel and return to your starting point (see map).
INTREPID GRADE: These tracks are slippery in wet weather and are not pram friendly. The narrow trails up Fourth Hill are more suited to older or intrepid kids. An easier trail nearby is Pound Bend River walk.
Allow up to 1.5 - 2 hours to walk the 2km loop (as there are slopes and plenty of stops along the way).
Allow 2 - 3 hours overall for activities and free play.
Scroll down for Map, Extra activities, ID picture galleries.
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ID What You See. Picture Gallery
Rocks and Fossils
Picture GalleryWhat rocks are under your feet? Slate? Basalt? Quartz? What fossils might be buried deep in our ancient rocks?
Bird Bingo
Picture GalleryGet to know our feathered friends. Common birds in our Melbourne Parks and waterways.
Animal Traces
Picture GalleryDiggings in the ground, scratches in the trees? Can you find the clues that animals leave behind?
All GalleriesBirds, bugs, rockpool secrets, rocks and fossils, animal traces and more.
Extra Activities
Collapsible content
Prospect in the Creek!
There’s still gold in Anderson’s Creek! Carefully scoop up sand, water and rocks in the shallows near the carpark (see prospecting sign) and swirl them around your pan. Gold is heaviest and falls to the bottom.
What did you find?
(Make sure you don’t disturb the wildlife or damage the area).
Your Slate Time Capsule
Find quartz and find slate (see ID pics) write yourself a message on the slate with the quartz and leave it hidden in a special place. The message on the slate will never wash off and will still be there when you return.
Was your message still there when you came back a year, two years, or even 5 years later?
Come Along To A Friends Group Event.
The local Friends of the Warrandyte State Park have lots of free events and activities for families to get involved with. Walk and talks, tree planting, bird watching, weed pulling -see their website for more information.
Join an activity run by the local Friends Group!
Ideas? Feedback?
What did you enjoy? What would you change? Was there anything missing or out of date on the trail?